North and South. Geographical and Cultural Perspectives on European Modernity
CDE 14
North and South. Geographical and Cultural Perspectives on European Modernityedited by Enzo Giorgio FAZIO and Giuseppe NENCIONI
248 p., ill.
ISBN 978-88-7760-314-2
32.00 €
The ever-changing images of Europe’s Northern and Southern peripheries have long figured as integrated parts of the self-perception and identification among their inhabitants. The Enlightenment indicated a way of perceiving the relationship between these peripheries, where, in geographical terms, modernity came to be associated with the North whereas the South was rather associated with its ancient past. These ideas are still circulated in popular understandings of differences between Northern and Southern Europe, and were central to the ways in which Europeans related to each other during the late modern period. The aim of the articles is to gather researchers around the concept of modernity as created on the threshold between the European North and South. The idea is to discuss the concept of modernity as centred on the North, but also to consider the idea of the South as European modernity’s Other, as well as images and notions that undermine that dichotomy.
Enzo Giorgio Fazio, Giuseppe Nencioni, Introduction – Concepción Núñez Rey, Carmen de Burgos in search of modernity in North Europe – Florian Grötsch, Annette Schnabel, Explaining Europe through Religion Testing the two intuitions of mapping Europe – Inge-Bert Täljedal, Incontro dell’idealismo svedese con il realismo italiano intorno al 1875 – Manuela Boccignone, Il perfetto Nord. Delle navigationi et viaggi di Giovanni Battista Ramusio – Paolo Corvo, Turisti mediterranei e modernità del Nord Europa: una promessa di felicità – Cecilia Schwartz, Reflections. Auto-Images and hetero-images in the travel writing of Mario Soldati and Giorgio Manganelli – Enzo Giorgio Fazio: Νο?ιν: percepire con la mente. Viaggio intorno alla complessità del binomio Nord-Sud, da Albrecht von Haller a Luigi Pirandello – Christophe Premat, Fragments d´un monde perdu dans les œuvres de Yannis Kiourtsakis et Katrina Kalda – Magdalena de Pazzis Pi Corrales, Swedish Spanish relations: the story of a fluctuation (XVIII-XXI centuries) – Abstracts – Index of the most important names and arguments.